Adler32 | Calculates a 32 bits long Adler32 checksum |
Barrier | Gate controlling the transit of threads for certain operations. |
CRC32 | Calculates a 32 bits long CRC32 checksum |
Compiler | Main interface to the reflexive compiler. |
ConfParser | Interface to configuration files. |
Event | Signaler of relevant processing conditions. |
Grant | Grant for exclusive access to shared resources. |
HashBase | Base class for each hash algorithm, specialized for overloading. |
ICompiler | Interaface to incremental evaluator. |
JSONError | Error generated after error conditions on JSON operations. |
JoinError | Error generated when trying to wait for a unwaitable thread. |
LogArea | Collection of log channels. |
LogChannel | Abstract class receiving log requests from log areas. |
LogChannelFiles | Log channel sending logs to a set of (possibly) rotating local files. |
LogChannelStream | Logs on an open stream. |
LogChannelSyslog | Logs on the local system logger facility. |
MD2Hash | Calculates a 128 bits long MD2 (Message Digest 2) hash |
MD4Hash | Calculates a 128 bits long MD4 (Message Digest 4) hash |
MD5Hash | Calculates a 128 bits long MD5 (Message Digest 5) hash |
MXMLDocument | Encapsulates a complete XML document. |
MXMLError | Error raised by the MXML module in case of problems. |
MXMLNode | Minimal entity of the XML document. |
Module | Handle to loaded modules. |
NetError | Error generated by network related system failures. |
Process | Execute and control child processes. |
ProcessEnum | Provides a list of currently executed process. |
ProcessError | Error generated by process related system failures. |
RIPEMD128Hash | Calculates a 128 bits long RIPEMD-128 hash (RIPEMD family) |
RIPEMD160Hash | Calculates a 160 bits long RIPEMD-160 hash (RIPEMD family) |
RIPEMD256Hash | Calculates a 256 bits long RIPEMD-256 hash (RIPEMD family) |
RIPEMD320Hash | Calculates a 320 bits long RIPEMD-320 hash (RIPEMD family) |
Regex | Regular expression binding encapsulation. |
RegexError | Error generated by regular expression compilation and execution errors. |
SHA1Hash | Calculates a 160 bits long SHA-1 hash |
SHA224Hash | Calculates a 224 bits long SHA-224 hash (SHA-2 family) |
SHA256Hash | Calculates a 256 bits long SHA-256 hash (SHA-2 family) |
SHA384Hash | Calculates a 384 bits long SHA-384 hash (SHA-2 family) |
SHA512Hash | Calculates a 512 bits long SHA-512 hash (SHA-2 family) |
Socket | TCP/IP networking base class. |
SyncCounter | Implements a synchronization counter (semaphore). |
SyncQueue | Signaler of relevant processing conditions. |
TCPServer | Encapsulates a TCP network service provider. |
TCPSocket | Provides full TCP connectivity. |
Thread | Parallel agent main class. |
ThreadError | Error generated by thread related problems. |
Threading | Access to static method that can be used to access threading functionalities. |
TigerHash | Calculates a 192 bits long Tiger hash |
UDPSocket | UDP (datagram) manager. |
Waitable | Base abstract class for synchronization Structures. |
WhirlpoolHash | Calculates a 512 bits long Whirlpool hash |
ZLib | ZLib encapsulation interface. |
ZLibError | Error generated by errors in the ZLib module. |
_BaseCompiler | Abstract base class for the Compiler and ICompiler classes. |