Source of file load_snippet.ftd
<div class="snippet"> <div class="snippet_header"> Falcon is like... </div> <div class="snippet_code"> <pre><? load highlight const sample_dir = "snippets" dir = Directory( sample_dir ) files = [] while (fname = if ".fal" in fname: files += fname end dir.close() randomSeed() file = randomPick( files ) f = InputStream( sample_dir +"/"+file ) f.setEncoding( "utf-8" ) title = f.grabLine(256) pos = strFind( title, "-" ) if pos > 0 title = strTrim(title[pos+1:]) end // by design, we want all the snippet to satay in 2048 bytes strIn = strBuffer( 2048 ) if f.readText(strIn) >> highlight( strIn ) end ?> </pre> </div> <div class="snippet_footer"> <?= title ?> </div> </div>