The Falcon Programming Language
A fast, easy and powerful programming language
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Falcon Embedded

Falcon Embedded is the porting of our language in the world of embedded systems to provide the capacity to develop application even without knowing C++

Project outline

Development trunk at: svn://falconpl.org/eReader

Detailed description

At the moment we are focused on porting Falcon on ARM based systems.

The pilot project is the porting of Falcon on IREX ereaders (Iliad, DR800 and DR1000).
Information about IREX products can be find here: http://www.irextechnologies.com/products


falARMEnv script for Linux
Posted by lucone on 2010-03-08
This script set environmental informations for cross compiling for ARM cpu
Falcon precompiled for ARM
Posted by lucone on 2010-03-08
The new patch of Falcon has been released!
Falcon precompiled for ARM
Posted by lucone on 2010-03-02
In this project download section you'll find the compiled and already organized version of Falcon for ARM.

Just download, copy and use!
The Feathers of the Falcon
Posted by lucone on 2010-03-02
Feathers is the name of the Falcon Standard Module Suite.

Each Feather cover a very specific area like Database access, DBus and XML management, Regular expressions, Multithreading, data compressions and so on.

How to became a Falconeer
Posted by lucone on 2010-03-02
Find out informations and help to start and improve your
knowledge of Falcon

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