Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | FALCON_PCODE_MINOR 8 |
#define | FLC_PCODE_COUNT 0x70 |
#define | P_ADD 0x20 |
ADD: OP1 + OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_ADDS 0x26 |
ADDS: add to self, OP1 + OP2 -> OP1. | |
#define | P_AND 0x4B |
AND: Logical AND if (op1 is true and op2 is true ) true->A. | |
#define | P_ANDS 0x2E |
ANDS: self binary and ( OP1 & OP2 ) -> OP1. | |
#define | P_BAND 0x2B |
BAND: Binary and ( OP1 & OP2 ) -> A. | |
#define | P_BNOT 0x1A |
BNOT: Binary NOT ( ~OP1 ) -> A. | |
#define | P_BOOL 0x08 |
BOOL: Check is the parameter is true or false, and sets A to 0 or 1. | |
#define | P_BOR 0x2C |
BOR: Binary OR ( OP1 | OP2 ) -> A. | |
#define | P_BXOR 0x2D |
BXOR: Binary XOR ( OP1 ^ OP2 ) -> A. | |
#define | P_CALL 0x3A |
CALL <int32>, $sym. | |
#define | P_CLOS 0x5C |
Create a closure. | |
#define | P_DEC 0x10 |
DEC: Dec prefix DEC OP1: OP1 - 1 -> OP1, OP1-> A. | |
#define | P_DECP 0x57 |
DEC Postfix DECP V : V->A, V := V - 1 -> B. | |
#define | P_DIV 0x23 |
DIV: OP1 / OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_DIVS 0x29 |
DIVS: divide from self, OP1 / OP2 -> OP1. | |
#define | P_END 0x00 |
END: terminate. | |
#define | P_EQ 0x32 |
EQ: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if they are equal 1 -> A, else 0 -> A. | |
#define | P_EVAL 0x60 |
EVAL Perform functional evaluation, direct call or return the value as-is FORB OP1 -> A := if OP1 is callable if OP1 is array eval(op1) else OP1() else OP1. | |
#define | P_FORB 0x67 |
FORB Forward binding FORB OP1, OP2 -> A := lbind( OP1, OP2 ). | |
#define | P_FORK 0x1D |
FORK: Creates a coroutine jumping at OP2 position. | |
#define | P_GE 0x35 |
GE: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 >= OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A. | |
#define | P_GENA 0x0A |
GENA: Generates an array given the OP1 previous elements in the stack. | |
#define | P_GEND 0x0B |
GEND: Generates a dictionray given the OP1*2 previous elements in the stack. | |
#define | P_GENR 0x31 |
GENR: Generates an range object [OP1, OP2] -> A. | |
#define | P_GEOR 0x16 |
GEOR: Generates an open range object [OP1,*[ -> A. | |
#define | P_GT 0x34 |
GT: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 > OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A. | |
#define | P_IFF 0x39 |
IFF <int32>, $sym If OP2 is false then jumps to OP1 (OP1 -> PC). | |
#define | P_IFT 0x38 |
IFT <int32>, $sym If OP2 is true then jumps to OP1 (OP1 -> PC). | |
#define | P_IN 0x46 |
IN: sets A to 1 if OP1 is in set OP2, else sets A to 0. | |
#define | P_INC 0x0F |
INC: Inc prefix INC OP1: OP1 + 1 -> OP1, OP1-> A. | |
#define | P_INCP 0x56 |
INC postfix INCP V : V->A, V := V + 1 -> B. | |
#define | P_INDI 0x62 |
INDI: Indirect symbol reference; get the value of the string OP1. | |
#define | P_INST 0x3B |
INST $sym, <int32>. | |
#define | P_IPOP 0x14 |
IPOP: Pops last OP1 elements from the stack. | |
#define | P_JMP 0x09 |
JMP <int32>: Jumps at given position, OP1 -> PC. | |
#define | P_JTRY 0x18 |
JTRY: jump out of a try, going at OP1 and popping the try stack. | |
#define | P_LD 0x1E |
LD: Loads OP1 in OP2 OP1 -> OP2. | |
#define | P_LDAS 0x40 |
LDAS <int32>, V: Load all in stack. | |
#define | P_LDP 0x3E |
LDV: Load from object OP1 the property OP2 in A, OP1.OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_LDPT 0x52 |
LDPT: Load from object OP1 the property OP2 in OP3, OP1.OP2 -> OP3. | |
#define | P_LDRF 0x1F |
LDRF: Loads a reference to OP1 in OP2, &OP1 -> OP2. | |
#define | P_LDV 0x3D |
LDV: Load from vector OP1 the item at OP2 in A, OP1[ OP2 ] -> A. | |
#define | P_LDVT 0x51 |
LDVT: Load from vector OP1 the item at OP2 in OP3, OP1[ OP2 ] -> OP3. | |
#define | P_LE 0x37 |
LE: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 <= OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A. | |
#define | P_LNIL 0x05 |
LNIL: Load nil into the parameter, nil -> OP1. | |
#define | P_LSB 0x5F |
Load from byte or character from sting. | |
#define | P_LT 0x36 |
LT: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 < OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A. | |
#define | P_MOD 0x24 |
MOD: OP1 % OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_MODS 0x2A |
MODS: self module, OP1 % OP2 -> OP1. | |
#define | P_MUL 0x22 |
MUL: OP1 * OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_MULS 0x28 |
MULS: multiply to self, OP1 * OP2 -> OP1. | |
#define | P_NEG 0x11 |
NEG: Negates OP1, - OP1 -> OP1. | |
#define | P_NEQ 0x33 |
NEQ: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if they are equal 0 -> A, else 1 -> A. | |
#define | P_NOIN 0x47 |
NOIN: sets A to 0 if OP1 is in set OP2, else sets A to 1. | |
#define | P_NOP 0x01 |
NOP: No operation. | |
#define | P_NOT 0x12 |
NOT: sets OP1 to 0 if it's true, and to 1 if it's false. | |
#define | P_NOTS 0x1B |
NOTS: Binary self NOT ( ~OP1 ) -> OP1. | |
#define | P_ONCE 0x3C |
ONCE: Execute a code portion only once. | |
#define | P_OOB 0x68 |
OOB Marks, unmarks or checks the code to be an oob. | |
#define | P_OR 0x4C |
AND: Logical OR if (op1 is true or op2 is true ) true->A. | |
#define | P_ORS 0x2F |
ORS: self binary OR ( OP1 | OP2 ) -> OP1. | |
#define | P_PARAM_FALSE 0x0C |
#define | P_PARAM_GLOBID 0x06 |
#define | P_PARAM_INT32 0x01 |
#define | P_PARAM_INT64 0x05 |
#define | P_PARAM_LBIND 0x0A |
#define | P_PARAM_LOCID 0x07 |
#define | P_PARAM_NIL 0x04 |
#define | P_PARAM_NOTUSED 0x00 |
#define | P_PARAM_NTD32 0x0E |
#define | P_PARAM_NTD64 0x0F |
#define | P_PARAM_NUM 0x03 |
#define | P_PARAM_PARID 0x08 |
#define | P_PARAM_REGA 0x10 |
#define | P_PARAM_REGB 0x11 |
#define | P_PARAM_REGL1 0x14 |
#define | P_PARAM_REGL2 0x15 |
#define | P_PARAM_REGS1 0x12 |
#define | P_PARAM_STRID 0x02 |
#define | P_PARAM_TRUE 0x0B |
#define | P_PEEK 0x1C |
PEEK: peeks the stack top and copies it in the operand. | |
#define | P_POP 0x0E |
POP OP1: pops OP1 from the stack. | |
#define | P_POW 0x25 |
POW: OP1^OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_POWS 0x5E |
free | |
#define | P_PROV 0x48 |
PROV: sets A to 1 if OP1 has property OP2, else sets A to 0. | |
#define | P_PSHL 0x5D |
PUSH LITERAL PSHL OP1 -> OP1 => stack. | |
#define | P_PSHN 0x02 |
PSHN: Push a NIL on top of stack. | |
#define | P_PSHR 0x0D |
PSHR: pushes a reference to OP1 in the stack. | |
#define | P_PTRY 0x06 |
RET: Pop last N TRY position from the TRY stack. | |
#define | P_PUSH 0x0C |
PUSH: pushes OP1 in the stack. | |
#define | P_RET 0x03 |
RET: Return from a function, nil -> A. | |
#define | P_RETA 0x04 |
RET: Return from a function, assuming A is the return value. | |
#define | P_RETV 0x07 |
RETV: Return from a function and sets A to the operand, OP1 -> A. | |
#define | P_RIS 0x19 |
RIS: Raise an exception whose value is OP1. | |
#define | P_SELE 0x61 |
SELECT: Select a branch depending on a variable type. | |
#define | P_SHL 0x58 |
Shift left op1 of op2 positions and place the result in A. | |
#define | P_SHLS 0x5A |
Shift left op1 of op2 positions and place the result in OP1. | |
#define | P_SHR 0x59 |
Shift right op1 of op2 positions and place the result in A. | |
#define | P_SHRS 0x5B |
Shift right op1 of op2 positions and place the result in OP1. | |
#define | P_SHRS 0x5B |
Shift right op1 of op2 positions and place the result in OP1. | |
#define | P_STEX 0x63 |
STEX: String expansion; expand string in OP1. | |
#define | P_STO 0x66 |
STO: STO OP1, OP2 -> OP1 := OP2. | |
#define | P_STP 0x50 |
STP: Store OP3 into Property OP2 of OP1: OP3 -> OP1.OP2. | |
#define | P_STPR 0x54 |
STPR: store reference to OP3 into property OP2 of OP1: &OP3 -> OP1.OP2. | |
#define | P_STPS 0x4A |
STPS: Store the topmost stack element into position OP2 of OP1: STACK -> OP1[OP2]. | |
#define | P_STV 0x4F |
STV: Store OP3 into vector OP1 at position OP2, OP3 -> OP1[OP2]. | |
#define | P_STVR 0x53 |
STVR: store reference to OP3 into vector OP1 at pos OP2: &OP3 -> OP1[OP2]. | |
#define | P_STVS 0x49 |
STVS: Store the topmost stack element into property OP2 of OP1: STACK -> OP1.OP2. | |
#define | P_SUB 0x21 |
SUB: OP1 - OP2 -> A. | |
#define | P_SUBS 0x27 |
SUBS: subtract from self, OP1 - OP2 -> OP1. | |
#define | P_SWCH 0x41 |
SWCH: switch. | |
#define | P_TRAC 0x64 |
TRAC: Traverse change. | |
#define | P_TRAL 0x13 |
TRAL <int32>: Traverse last. | |
#define | P_TRAN 0x3F |
TRAN <int32>, <int32> Traverse next. | |
#define | P_TRAV 0x55 |
TRAV, Traverse an iterable Sequence. | |
#define | P_TRDN 0x69 |
TRDN: Traverse dropping next. | |
#define | P_TRY 0x17 |
TRY: push OP1 in the try stack. | |
#define | P_WRT 0x65 |
WRT: Write on standard output (TODO: also other vm streams using parameters). | |
#define | P_XORS 0x30 |
XORS: self binary XOR ( OP1 ^ OP2 ) -> OP1. | |
#define | P_XPOP 0x15 |
XPOP: exchange OP1 and the topmost stack element. |
#define FLC_PCODE_COUNT 0x70 |
#define P_ADD 0x20 |
ADD: OP1 + OP2 -> A.
#define P_ADDS 0x26 |
ADDS: add to self, OP1 + OP2 -> OP1.
#define P_AND 0x4B |
AND: Logical AND if (op1 is true and op2 is true ) true->A.
#define P_ANDS 0x2E |
ANDS: self binary and ( OP1 & OP2 ) -> OP1.
#define P_BAND 0x2B |
BAND: Binary and ( OP1 & OP2 ) -> A.
#define P_BNOT 0x1A |
BNOT: Binary NOT ( ~OP1 ) -> A.
#define P_BOOL 0x08 |
BOOL: Check is the parameter is true or false, and sets A to 0 or 1.
#define P_BOR 0x2C |
BOR: Binary OR ( OP1 | OP2 ) -> A.
#define P_BXOR 0x2D |
BXOR: Binary XOR ( OP1 ^ OP2 ) -> A.
#define P_CALL 0x3A |
CALL <int32>, $sym.
calls subroutine at OP2; at subroutine returns, removes OP1 params from the stack.
#define P_CLOS 0x5C |
Create a closure.
CLOS N, <tgt>, <src>
N elements from the stack are extracted and an array is made as for GENA; The function in src is cloned into <tgt>, and the closed array is added in tgt.
#define P_DEC 0x10 |
DEC: Dec prefix DEC OP1: OP1 - 1 -> OP1, OP1-> A.
#define P_DECP 0x57 |
DEC Postfix DECP V : V->A, V := V - 1 -> B.
#define P_DIV 0x23 |
DIV: OP1 / OP2 -> A.
#define P_DIVS 0x29 |
DIVS: divide from self, OP1 / OP2 -> OP1.
#define P_END 0x00 |
END: terminate.
#define P_EQ 0x32 |
EQ: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if they are equal 1 -> A, else 0 -> A.
#define P_EVAL 0x60 |
EVAL Perform functional evaluation, direct call or return the value as-is FORB OP1 -> A := if OP1 is callable if OP1 is array eval(op1) else OP1() else OP1.
#define P_FORB 0x67 |
FORB Forward binding FORB OP1, OP2 -> A := lbind( OP1, OP2 ).
#define P_FORK 0x1D |
FORK: Creates a coroutine jumping at OP2 position.
OP1 is the amount of stack elements to be passed to the new thread. Both ops are fixed
#define P_GE 0x35 |
GE: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 >= OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A.
#define P_GENA 0x0A |
GENA: Generates an array given the OP1 previous elements in the stack.
#define P_GEND 0x0B |
GEND: Generates a dictionray given the OP1*2 previous elements in the stack.
#define P_GENR 0x31 |
GENR: Generates an range object [OP1, OP2] -> A.
#define P_GEOR 0x16 |
GEOR: Generates an open range object [OP1,*[ -> A.
#define P_GT 0x34 |
GT: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 > OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A.
#define P_IFF 0x39 |
IFF <int32>, $sym If OP2 is false then jumps to OP1 (OP1 -> PC).
#define P_IFT 0x38 |
IFT <int32>, $sym If OP2 is true then jumps to OP1 (OP1 -> PC).
#define P_IN 0x46 |
IN: sets A to 1 if OP1 is in set OP2, else sets A to 0.
#define P_INC 0x0F |
INC: Inc prefix INC OP1: OP1 + 1 -> OP1, OP1-> A.
#define P_INCP 0x56 |
INC postfix INCP V : V->A, V := V + 1 -> B.
#define P_INDI 0x62 |
INDI: Indirect symbol reference; get the value of the string OP1.
#define P_INST 0x3B |
INST $sym, <int32>.
As call, but does not changes self register.
#define P_IPOP 0x14 |
IPOP: Pops last OP1 elements from the stack.
#define P_JMP 0x09 |
JMP <int32>: Jumps at given position, OP1 -> PC.
#define P_JTRY 0x18 |
JTRY: jump out of a try, going at OP1 and popping the try stack.
#define P_LD 0x1E |
LD: Loads OP1 in OP2 OP1 -> OP2.
#define P_LDAS 0x40 |
LDAS <int32>, V: Load all in stack.
OP1: size to be loaded in the stack. OP2: vector to be unpacked. Each element in V is verbatim copied in the stack, the highest stack element becomes the last element in the array.
#define P_LDP 0x3E |
LDV: Load from object OP1 the property OP2 in A, OP1.OP2 -> A.
#define P_LDPT 0x52 |
LDPT: Load from object OP1 the property OP2 in OP3, OP1.OP2 -> OP3.
#define P_LDRF 0x1F |
LDRF: Loads a reference to OP1 in OP2, &OP1 -> OP2.
IF OP2 is immediate, then break the reference pointed by OP1
#define P_LDV 0x3D |
LDV: Load from vector OP1 the item at OP2 in A, OP1[ OP2 ] -> A.
#define P_LDVT 0x51 |
LDVT: Load from vector OP1 the item at OP2 in OP3, OP1[ OP2 ] -> OP3.
#define P_LE 0x37 |
LE: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 <= OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A.
#define P_LNIL 0x05 |
LNIL: Load nil into the parameter, nil -> OP1.
#define P_LSB 0x5F |
Load from byte or character from sting.
#define P_LT 0x36 |
LT: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if OP1 < OP2 1 -> A, else 0 -> A.
#define P_MOD 0x24 |
MOD: OP1 % OP2 -> A.
#define P_MODS 0x2A |
MODS: self module, OP1 % OP2 -> OP1.
#define P_MUL 0x22 |
MUL: OP1 * OP2 -> A.
#define P_MULS 0x28 |
MULS: multiply to self, OP1 * OP2 -> OP1.
#define P_NEG 0x11 |
NEG: Negates OP1, - OP1 -> OP1.
#define P_NEQ 0x33 |
NEQ: Compares OP1 and OP2, and if they are equal 0 -> A, else 1 -> A.
#define P_NOIN 0x47 |
NOIN: sets A to 0 if OP1 is in set OP2, else sets A to 1.
#define P_NOP 0x01 |
NOP: No operation.
#define P_NOT 0x12 |
NOT: sets OP1 to 0 if it's true, and to 1 if it's false.
#define P_NOTS 0x1B |
NOTS: Binary self NOT ( ~OP1 ) -> OP1.
#define P_ONCE 0x3C |
ONCE: Execute a code portion only once.
If the function OP2 has not been executed, then proceeds, else jumps at OP1.
#define P_OOB 0x68 |
OOB Marks, unmarks or checks the code to be an oob.
OOB NTD32, OP if NTD32 == 0 -> A := deOob( OP ) if NTD32 == 1 -> A := oob( OP ) if NTD32 == 2 -> A := isOob( OP ) ? deOob( OP ) : oob( OP ) if NTD32 == 3 (or else ) A := isOob( OP )
#define P_OR 0x4C |
AND: Logical OR if (op1 is true or op2 is true ) true->A.
#define P_ORS 0x2F |
ORS: self binary OR ( OP1 | OP2 ) -> OP1.
#define P_PARAM_FALSE 0x0C |
#define P_PARAM_GLOBID 0x06 |
#define P_PARAM_INT32 0x01 |
#define P_PARAM_INT64 0x05 |
#define P_PARAM_LBIND 0x0A |
#define P_PARAM_LOCID 0x07 |
#define P_PARAM_NIL 0x04 |
#define P_PARAM_NOTUSED 0x00 |
#define P_PARAM_NTD32 0x0E |
#define P_PARAM_NTD64 0x0F |
#define P_PARAM_NUM 0x03 |
#define P_PARAM_PARID 0x08 |
#define P_PARAM_REGA 0x10 |
#define P_PARAM_REGB 0x11 |
#define P_PARAM_REGL1 0x14 |
#define P_PARAM_REGL2 0x15 |
#define P_PARAM_REGS1 0x12 |
#define P_PARAM_STRID 0x02 |
#define P_PARAM_TRUE 0x0B |
#define P_PEEK 0x1C |
PEEK: peeks the stack top and copies it in the operand.
STACK[top] -> OP1
#define P_POP 0x0E |
POP OP1: pops OP1 from the stack.
#define P_POW 0x25 |
POW: OP1^OP2 -> A.
#define P_POWS 0x5E |
POWS: self power, OP1 ** OP2 -> OP1
#define P_PROV 0x48 |
PROV: sets A to 1 if OP1 has property OP2, else sets A to 0.
#define P_PSHL 0x5D |
PUSH LITERAL PSHL OP1 -> OP1 => stack.
This opcode pushes the operand on the stack without peforming any check (and without dereferencing it). It allows to push raw references in the stack.
#define P_PSHN 0x02 |
PSHN: Push a NIL on top of stack.
#define P_PSHR 0x0D |
PSHR: pushes a reference to OP1 in the stack.
#define P_PTRY 0x06 |
RET: Pop last N TRY position from the TRY stack.
#define P_PUSH 0x0C |
PUSH: pushes OP1 in the stack.
#define P_RET 0x03 |
RET: Return from a function, nil -> A.
#define P_RETA 0x04 |
RET: Return from a function, assuming A is the return value.
#define P_RETV 0x07 |
RETV: Return from a function and sets A to the operand, OP1 -> A.
#define P_RIS 0x19 |
RIS: Raise an exception whose value is OP1.
#define P_SELE 0x61 |
SELECT: Select a branch depending on a variable type.
Similar to switch.
#define P_SHL 0x58 |
Shift left op1 of op2 positions and place the result in A.
#define P_SHLS 0x5A |
Shift left op1 of op2 positions and place the result in OP1.
#define P_SHR 0x59 |
Shift right op1 of op2 positions and place the result in A.
#define P_SHRS 0x5B |
Shift right op1 of op2 positions and place the result in OP1.
#define P_SHRS 0x5B |
Shift right op1 of op2 positions and place the result in OP1.
#define P_STEX 0x63 |
STEX: String expansion; expand string in OP1.
#define P_STO 0x66 |
STO: STO OP1, OP2 -> OP1 := OP2.
Works as LD, but it overwrites target value even if it's a reference.
#define P_STP 0x50 |
STP: Store OP3 into Property OP2 of OP1: OP3 -> OP1.OP2.
#define P_STPR 0x54 |
STPR: store reference to OP3 into property OP2 of OP1: &OP3 -> OP1.OP2.
#define P_STPS 0x4A |
STPS: Store the topmost stack element into position OP2 of OP1: STACK -> OP1[OP2].
#define P_STV 0x4F |
STV: Store OP3 into vector OP1 at position OP2, OP3 -> OP1[OP2].
#define P_STVR 0x53 |
STVR: store reference to OP3 into vector OP1 at pos OP2: &OP3 -> OP1[OP2].
#define P_STVS 0x49 |
STVS: Store the topmost stack element into property OP2 of OP1: STACK -> OP1.OP2.
#define P_SUB 0x21 |
SUB: OP1 - OP2 -> A.
#define P_SUBS 0x27 |
SUBS: subtract from self, OP1 - OP2 -> OP1.
#define P_SWCH 0x41 |
#define P_TRAC 0x64 |
TRAC: Traverse change.
TRAC OP1 => OP1-> current value Change current (value) item in traversal loops to shallow copy of OP1
#define P_TRAL 0x13 |
#define P_TRAN 0x3F |
#define P_TRAV 0x55 |
TRAV, Traverse an iterable Sequence.
TRAV is a complex instruction that involves the stack, a set of target variables, and 3 other opcodes (TRAN traverse next, TRDN, Traverse dropping next and TRAL, traverse last). This instructions are meant to map the for/in loop at Falcon language level.
TRAV initializes the loop adding an iterator to the SOURCE variable on top of the stack, or eventually skips the loop altogether if the source is empty (or nil).
TRAV declares how many variables will receive elements from source. Those variables are then stored immediately below as NOP opcodes with a single parameter (a target variable).
If source is a dictionary sequence, TRAV must be provided with exactly two variables that will receive the key and the value of each element; otherwise, if provided with one variable, TRAV will store the current item in that variable, and if provided with more variables, it will try to consider each element as an array and unpack it in the variables.
TRAN and TRDN work similarly to TRAN, but they use the variable at stack top as the current iterator.
A for/in loop is divided in 4 areas, all of which optional. The main area (MAIN) is executed for each item in the collection. The FIRST block is executed only BEFORE the first time MAIN is executed, the MIDDLE block is executed after each MAIN block execution except for the last one (when the iterator has not a "next" element), and the LAST block which is executed after the MAIN for the last element.
If a MIDDLE block is provided, then then loop is configured as if there was a LAST block, possibly left empty if there isn't any code for that.
TRAN skips to the next element and loads the variables in its var block. If there is a loop to be performed, it loops to the MAIN block, otherwise it proceeds.
TRDN is similar to TRAN, but instead advancing to the next element, it deletes the current element, and loads the loop variables with the new value of the iterator. It is generated 1:1 on "continue dropping" instruction.
BOTH TRAN and TRDN are meant to execute the last block after the last element main block for the last element has been executed. If there isn't any last block, it is simply left empty and the jump label lands at the same position of the loop end (same target as a "break" instruction).
TRAL simply jumps to its label if the current item is the last item in the sequence (i.e. if the iterator on stack top ! hasNext()). This switches the middle and last blocks.
TRAV NV, p_label_loop_end, $S ==> push iterator($S) {VARBLOCK: NV rep of NOP $v } [FIRST BLOCK ... TRDN NV, label_loop_begin, label_loop_last {VARBLOCK: NV rep of NOP $v } ... ] label_loop_begin: [MAIN BLOCK ... TRDN NV, label_loop_begin, label_loop_last {VARBLOCK: NV rep of NOP $v } ... ] [MIDDLE BLOCK ; this skips this block if the current element is the last one. TRAL label_loop_last ... TRDN NV, label_loop_begin, label_loop_last {VARBLOCK: NV rep of NOP $v } ... ] label_loop_next: TRAN NV, label_loop_begin {VARBLOCK: NV rep of NOP $v } label_loop_last: [LAST BLOCK ... TRDN 0, label_loop_end, label_loop_end ... ] label_loop_end: POP p_label_loop_end:
TRDN has a special behavior when OP1 == 0: it pops the last element in the sequence and goes to loop end, instead of erasing the current element and preparing the loop variables.
TRAL also advances the iterator past the last element, to have the position of the iterator at last block after the last element, as TRDN and TRAV would leave it, and so that "TRDN 0, .., .." can go back one position and delete the element.
#define P_TRDN 0x69 |
TRDN: Traverse dropping next.
TRDN <int32>, <int32>, <int32>
#define P_TRY 0x17 |
TRY: push OP1 in the try stack.
#define P_WRT 0x65 |
WRT: Write on standard output (TODO: also other vm streams using parameters).
#define P_XORS 0x30 |
XORS: self binary XOR ( OP1 ^ OP2 ) -> OP1.
#define P_XPOP 0x15 |
XPOP: exchange OP1 and the topmost stack element.