21.135Class TextAreaAttribs

Class TextAreaAttribs from \
accesskeyAccessibility key character
colsDisplayed column numbers
disabledNot available in this context
nameName of the field in the form.
onblurThe element lost the focus
onchangeThe element value was changed
onfocusThe element got the focus
onselectSome text was selected
readonlySet true to prevent changes
rowsDisplayed text rows
tabindexPosition in tabbing order
Properties inherited from class CoreAttribs
CLASSSpecifies a classname for an element. Will be rendered as "class"
dirSpecifies the text direction for the content in an element
idSpecifies a unique id for an element
styleSpecifies a language code for the content in an element
titleSpecifies extra information about an element
Properties inherited from class I18nAttribs
langSpecifies a language code for the content in an element
xml__langSpecifies a language code for the content in an element, in XHTML documents
Properties inherited from class EventAttribs
onclickScript to be run on a mouse click
ondblclickScript to be run on a mouse double-click
onkeydownScript to be run when a key is pressed
onkeypressScript to be run when a key is pressed and released
onkeyupScript to be run when a key is released
onloadScript to be run when a document load
onmousedownScript to be run when mouse button is pressed
onmousemoveScript to be run when mouse pointer moves
onmouseoutScript to be run when mouse pointer moves out of an element
onmouseoverScript to be run when mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseupScript to be run when mouse button is released
onunloadScript to be run when a document unload
Methods inherited from class AttribsBase
toStringrender the attributes



Accessibility key character


Displayed column numbers


Not available in this context


Name of the field in the form.


The element lost the focus


The element value was changed


The element got the focus


Some text was selected


Set true to prevent changes


Displayed text rows


Position in tabbing order

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