12.4Class Page

Used to manipulate an individual page.

Class Page
CodeError when tried to be constructed directly.

Doc.addPage or Doc.insertPage create a page.

beginTextMarks the start of a text object and sets the text position to [0,0].
endTextEnds the current text object.
moveTextPosChanges the current text position, using the specified offset values.
setFontAndSizeSelf explanatory.
showTextPrints text at the current position on the page.
textOutPrints text on the specified position.
textRectPrints the text inside the specified region.



Marks the start of a text object and sets the text position to [0,0].



Ends the current text object.



Changes the current text position, using the specified offset values.

Page.moveTextPos( xOffset, yOffset )
xOffset x offset to new text position.
yOffset y offset to new text position.

If the current text position is (x1, y1), the new text position will be (x1 + xOffset, y1 + yOffset).


Self explanatory.

Page.setFontAndSize( font, size )
font An instance of Font.
size An integer that specifies the pt size.


Prints text at the current position on the page.

Page.showText( text )
text String to be displayed


Prints text on the specified position.

Page.textOut( xPos, yPos, text )
xPos x position measured from the left
yPos y position measured from the bottom
text A string that is to be displayed



Prints the text inside the specified region.

Page.textRect( left, top, right, bottom, text, align )
left x coordinate of the top-left corner of the region to output text.
top y coordinate of the top-left corner of the region to output text.
right x coordinate of the right-bottom corner of the region to output text.
bottom y coordinate of the right-bottom corner of the region to output text.
text String to display
align TextAlignment
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