11.84Class GtkMenuBar

A subclass widget for GtkMenuShell which holds GtkMenuItem widgets

Class GtkMenuBar

The GtkMenuBar is a subclass of GtkMenuShell which contains one to many GtkMenuItem. The result is a standard menu bar which can hold many menu items. GtkMenuBar allows for a shadow type to be set for aesthetic purposes. The shadow types are defined in the set_shadow_type function.

get_child_pack_directionRetrieves the current child pack direction of the menubar.
get_pack_directionRetrieves the current pack direction of the menubar.
set_child_pack_directionSets how widgets should be packed inside the children of a menubar.
set_pack_directionSets how items should be packed inside a menubar.



Retrieves the current child pack direction of the menubar.

Returnthe child pack direction


Retrieves the current pack direction of the menubar.

Returnthe pack direction


Sets how widgets should be packed inside the children of a menubar.

GtkMenuBar.set_child_pack_direction( child_pack_dir )
child_pack_dir a new GtkPackDirection


Sets how items should be packed inside a menubar.

GtkMenuBar.set_pack_direction( pack_dir )
pack_dir a new GtkPackDirection
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