2.9.4Enum MXMLErrorCode
Enumeartion listing the possible numeric error codes raised by MXML.
This enumeration contains error codes which are set as values for the code field of the MXMLError raised in case of processing or I/O error.
- Io: the operation couldn't be completed because of a physical error on the underlying stream.
- Nomem: MXML couldn't allocate enough memory to complete the operation.
- OutChar: Invalid characters found between tags.
- InvalidNode: The node name contains invalid characters.
- InvalidAtt: The attribute name contains invalid characters.
- MalformedAtt: The attribute declaration doesn't conform XML standard.
- InvalidChar: Character invalid in a certain context.
- Unclosed: A node was open but not closed.
- UnclosedEntity: The '&' entity escape was not balanced by a ';' closing it.
- WrongEntity: Invalid entity name.
- AttrNotFound: Searched attribute was not found.
- ChildNotFound: Searched child node was not found.
- Hyerarcy: Broken hierarcy; given node is not in a valid tree.
- CommentInvalid: The comment node is not correctly closed by a --> sequence.
- MultipleXmlDecl: the PI ?xml is declared more than once, or after another node.