1.6.11Class ParseError

Generic input parsing error.

Class ParseError( [code],[description],[extra] ) from \
                 Error( code, description, extra )
code A numeric error code.
description A textual description of the error code.
extra A descriptive message explaining the error conditions.

This error is generated when a parsing operation fails. It is used by RTL and extension modules when an input that should respect a given format is malformed. In example, the core module throws this error when the command line parser is told to search for a named parameter, but the command line parameters have been exhausted.

It is also used by the mxml module to report problems while parsing XML files.

Finally, this error is available for script to describe an error status due to invalid inputs.

Properties inherited from class Error
boxed Boxed error.
codeError code associated with this error.
description Textual description for the error code of this error.
line Line at which the error happened.
message Arbitrary text used to better explain and define the error conditions.
module Name of the module where the error has been generated.
originString identifying the origin of the error.
pc Program counter of the instruction that raised the error.
subErrors Array of sub-errors.
symbol Symbol name (function or method) where the error has been raised.
systemError If the error was caused by a failure during an OS operation, this this property contains the error code indicating the cause of the failure.
Methods inherited from class Error
getSysErrDescreturns system specific error description.
headingCreates a short textual representation of the error.
toStringCreates a textual representation of the error.
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